Kml Builder help  
Location Tab

Id: A unique id used to refer to this element. Unique id must start with a letter of underscore and can only contain A-Z, a-z, _, -, 0-9
Auto Id: Let Kml Builder generate a unique id for you.
Name: The text displayed in the 3-D Earth Viewer as the label for the object.
Address: Text representing an unstructured address written as a standard street, city, state address, and/or as a postal code. You can use the address to specify the location of a point instead of using latitude and longitude coordinates. However, if a Point is provided, it takes precedence over the address. To find out which locales are supported in Google Earth, go to the Google Maps Help .
Locate: Navigates to the specified address. Pressing the Enter key in the address field will also navigate to the specified address.
Snippet: A short description of the feature that is displayed in Google Earth Places panel under the name of the feature. If a Snippet is not supplied, the first two lines of the description are used. You can prevent snippet text from showing fron the Style tab » List Style tab.

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